10% of net savings from Merchant Advocate will be donated to the Ocracoke Health Center when you sign up through this link!
As a business or other organization, your bottom line is your top priority. You have to make sure things are running as smoothly, efficiently, and profitably as possible.
72% of businesses are overcharged on their credit card processing. Are you one of them?
With Merchant Advocate, you can be sure you will never be overcharged by your processor. They monitor your processor statements for hidden fees and unnecessary surcharges, filing claims on your behalf to return money to your bottom line. You don't have to change a thing, just sit back and let Merchant Advocate do the work for you.
What could be better!
Saving your business money and time while Merchant Advocate makes monthly donations to the Health Center.
-Cheryl Balance, CEO
Want more information about how Merchant Advocate saves you money and time and benefits the Health Center?
In the unregulated credit card industry, errors and inflated fees occur all the time. Merchant Advocate has you covered. They monitor and analyze for these hidden costs to save you money. They are paid out of the savings they return to your bottom line - revenue you never knew you could reclaim.
Merchant Advocate understands the credit card industry and can help you get the best rates and fees, without having to switch processors. They analyze over $20 billion in credit card transactions each quarter, and have helped their clients save over $50 million.
Merchant Advocate will:
Review your monthly statements to uncover hidden fees and inflated rates
Negotiate with the processor on your behalf to reduce the rates and eliminate the hidden fees
Only get paid out of the savings they return to your bottom line - revenue that would otherwise be lost
Click the button to sign up for your free analysis to find out how much Merchant Advocate can save your business or organization on credit card processing! Just submit your two to three most recent processor statements to get started.
10% of net savings from Merchant Advocate will be donated to the Ocracoke Health Center when you sign up through this link!